2007年12月30日 星期日

PVD coating applications (injection moulding tools)

PVD coatings for injection moulding tools
Injection molding is the process of heating plastic granules to melting point before injecting them at high pressure through a nozzle into a mould. Once the plastic has cooled, the part can be ejected. Injection moulding is usually used when the parts are too complex or cost prohibitive to machine. Injection moulding produces many parts out of the same mould.

PVD coated injection moulds - Reduce manufacturing costs
Injection moulds are expensive to produce and injection moulding equipment can be costly to run hence anything that reduces costs must be looked into. The service lives of injection moulds is significantly improved when coated with PVD coatings. This along with shorter cycle times increases productivity and reduces unit costs saves companies money.

PVD coated injection moulds - Reduce injection mould release force
PVD coatings reduce sticking. This can mean that release agents are completely eliminated.

PVD coated injection moulds - Offer increased wear resistance
Often highly abrasive melts are used. PVD coated moulds have greater wear resistance and therefore last longer, reducing downtime.

PVD coated injection moulds - Offer improved injection mould filling
PVD coatings improve mould filling as the melt flows longer. Sink marking is reduced as the injection pressure remains effective for longer.

PVD coated injection moulds - Improve quality of the injection moulded products
As a result of the improved mould filling, reduced distortion and improved surface finish the parts that are produced with PVD coated injection moulds are of better quality and the rejection rate is reduced.

PVD coated injection moulds - Easier to clean
The deposits after an injection moulding process are reduced and can be easily removed.

PVD coated injection moulds - Can be run dry
The injection mould parts are protected against scuffing or seizure without the need for expensive lubricants.

2007年12月25日 星期二



Electromagnetic interference (EMI) is a disturbance caused in a radio receiver or other electrical circuit by electromagnetic radiation emitted from an external source. The disturbance may interrupt, obstruct, or otherwise degrade or limit the effective performance of the circuit.

Electrostatic discharge (ESD) is the sudden and momentary electric current that flows between two objects at different electrical potentials.

These terms are usually used in the electronics and other industries to describe momentary unwanted effects that may cause damage or bad influence to electronic equipment.

Related EMI and ESD standards, please refer to http://www.dbicorporation.com/ite.htm
See a nice flash drawing in http://www.vactecinc.com/whyshielding.htm

When you are replacing metal covers by plastic, you have to add EMI, ESD shielding on the plastic. Next article, I would discuss how to produce EMI, ESD shielding on plastic by inline sputtering.

2007年12月19日 星期三



裡面有超級詳細的PVD介紹 也是以BLOG的形式介紹PVD...

這是我們之前碩一組員有在討論的一個奇摩的BLOG 裡面充滿了鍍膜技術...


PVD、CVD 真空鍍膜設備專題研究

出版名稱: PVD、CVD 真空鍍膜設備專題研究
出版編號: MIRDC-0267-S204(88)
產業領域: 機械
產出單位: 金屬中心
作  者: 陳建任

紙本價格: $2000
出版日期: 1999/07/01
=========================== 內容摘要===========================
物理氣相沈積(pvd)、化學氣相沈積(cvd)、真空鍍膜設備(vacuum coater)、光磁記錄鍍膜、平面顯示器、半導體、機械功能鍍膜、光學鍍膜、太陽能電池、薄膜真空蒸鍍、抗電磁干擾鍍膜、裝飾鍍膜、光通訊元件鍍膜、其他先進鍍膜(生醫、微工具、高溫超導體)




光磁記錄鍍膜、平面顯示器、半導體、機械功能鍍膜、光學鍍膜、太陽能電池、薄膜真空蒸鍍、抗電磁干擾鍍膜、裝飾鍍膜、光通訊元件鍍膜、其他先進鍍膜 (生醫、微工具、高溫超導體)等產業。

第一章 緒論 6頁
第二章 鍍膜設備產品總論 32頁
第三章 全球鍍膜設備市場現況 46頁
第四章 主要鍍膜設備應用產業現況與趨勢 82頁
第五章 台灣鍍膜設備產業現況 23頁
第六章 鍍膜設備產品發展現況與動向 43頁
第七章 競爭分析 6頁
第八章 結論與建議 10頁

ps. 我有這一份 但是是pdf檔.. 所以先po大概

2007年12月18日 星期二



(1) 將PVD與CVD整合在同一系統上
隨著元件的尺寸繼續縮小,傳統的濺鍍方法已無法勝任小於0.25μm的製程。IMP則可以提供一合適的新製程,以應用於下一代製程的需求。然而由於現今IMP TiN製程尚未完全成熟,而嘗試利用IMP來沈積Al,則可能會因IMP的電漿溫度,接近Al的熔點,而有無法運用之憾。為了解決此一難題,相信CVD TiN以及CVD Al將會有極大的可能,與IMP同時應用,而形成一完整的PVD/CVD整合系統。舉例來說,Ti/TiN的反擴散層,可以應用IMP Ti及CVD TiN在同一系統內,依序連續使用二個沈積室來加以完成。如此不僅不需使用各別的PVD及CVD兩套設備,更可因為製程未中斷暴露於大氣之中,而避免了界面氧化、吸濕及微塵等問題,而提高了晶片的良率與元件的電性及可靠性。

(2) 發展低溫PVD製程,以保證低介電常數之介電化合物。

(3) 當線寬0.18μm以下的世代來臨時,銅製程是否能成功地取代鋁製程以及反擴散層Ta/TaN/Wn技術是否成熟?如上所述,均是未來非常值得研究而且迫切需要發展的課題。

參考文章LINK: http://elearning.stut.edu.tw/m_facture/Nanotech/Web/ch3.htm

2007年12月17日 星期一

Challenging the limits on large area coating uniformity

關鍵字: nanomanufacturing, nanometer
Steven J. Nadel, Dr. Philip Greene, James Rietzel, Dr. Matthias List
Applied Materials

“Nanomanufacturing” has been declared one of the keys to future product innovations in a broad range of industries from pharmaceuticals to semiconductors. Generally, the term nanomanufacturing has been applied to the production of materials where control of a single dimension on the order of 100 nm or less is vital to the performance of the product. The everyday production of large area coatings for improved energy performance of architectural and automotive glazings by magnetron sputtering is rarely considered to be part of nanomanufacturing, let alone on the cutting edge of this technology.This paper will demonstrate how the development of more complex multilayer energy control coatings has gone hand in hand with the development of capabilities to control deposition uniformity on 10-20 m2 substrates to nanomanufacturing tolerances that express the limits of today’s technologies. The development from simple solar control and single silver layer low-emissivity coatings, through double, and in the last year, triple silver layer low-E, has come with ability to control deposition uniformity to nanometer precision over large areas...
The link to the technical article:





目前台灣有仕欽(6232)以及柏騰科技(3518)應用低溫真空濺鍍技術於EMI Shielding(防電磁波干擾)鍍膜、外觀鍍膜、導電玻璃鍍膜及導光板鍍膜等等。

